Write for Us Under Men and Women Category (Fashion, Clothing, Beauty, Accessories, Jewellery,)
Do you have a passion for fashion, clothing, beauty, accessories, and jewelry? Do you have a talent for writing and are up to date with the latest trends in men’s and women’s fashion? If so, share yours with us on our platform. Bring a unique perspective and insight.
At AdvertBaba, we believe in respecting individuality and embracing different styles. We welcome writers who share our passion for the ever-evolving world of fashion and beauty. Whether you’re an experienced fashionista or just starting to explore the world of style, we invite you to join our community.
What Accept content on:
Latest Fashion Trends
Beauty Product
We will post above categories post under the men and women category
Copyright: The content must be original, we will not accept copied content from any website. We will remove or not publish the plagiarized/duplicate content.
Necessary Things-
1- Header Image: There must be a header image and the required size must be 1200 X 628 Px.
2- Content Length: Content length must be at least 600 words.
3- Fresh Content: Copied content will not be accepted.
4- Hyperlink: Only 2 hyperlinks are allowed in between content.
5- AI Content: AI content will not be accepted.
Note– We are ready to post your blog post free of cost, to contact us email us at advertbabablog@gmail.com and we will get back to you.